United We Transform

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United We Transform

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. Albert Einstein

How might we help you?

Our Mission

To set a global standard for turning the world’s toughest problems into real-world impact, driving a high-velocity network of Exchanges where fearless collaboration accelerates our shared future.

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Ecosystem Approach

From startups and national security innovators to academia and capital: a unifying force that propels Minnesota into global leadership.

Ecosystem Purpose

Interactive Walls, Discrete AI, Personalized Experiences

A new way to collaborate—where every surface inspires creativity, and AI quietly enhances every decision in real time.

Interactive Walls, Discrete AI, Personalized Experiences

Engage & Evolve

Bring your ideas, your projects… your entire team—and watch them ignite real-world momentum in a world-first AI integrated venue.

Engage & Evolve

Redefining Collaboration Standards

"United We Transform" (UWT) standards ensure that all initiatives adhere to principles of inclusivity, transparency, and sustainability. These standards guide the development and implementation of projects to maximize their positive impact on communities.


On May 21, 2024 we ran an experiment with 1,245 Minnesotans at United We Transform large scale workshop

The way we got 1000 people, in-person (with AI) 1. 30,000 people visited UnitedWeTransform.com in the 3 months leading up to the workshop. 2. 1,235 people paid to register/attend. 3. >94% of visits & registrations were assisted with AI.

How we used AI to gather 1000 people to help improve MN.pdf6711.9KB

15 experiments to improve the way we convene to solve problems. Hypothesis: experiment with real-time workshop modalities and AI applications to improve community impact, unlocking new opportunities for the future prosperity of Minnesota…

…To accelerate impact, we must change the way we gather.

15 In Person AI Experiements with 1,000 People to Help MN Collaborative Future.pdf8599.2KB